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Drew Dunne

Physical Therapy Aide

Drew Dunne is from Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Drew is currently attending University of Hartford, majoring in physical therapy. Through his dedication to health and wellness, and love for helping others, Drew brings a positive energy to bpt. Drew states, “Patients can expect me to be committed to helping them in every way I can, whether it is showing them their exercises and obtaining their equipment for them, or simply bringing a smile to their face to brighten their day.” During his free time, Drew enjoys exercise, listening to music, singing, and spending time with family and friends. Drew is a member of an acapella group at his university called “L’Shir”. He is the only member in the group who is not a music major! 
Some words from Drew: 
"My favorite part about working at bpt is getting to know every patient I work with, which creates a family aspect to bpt. Additionally, I enjoy working with Beth and Patrick which will help me as I study to become a physical therapist."

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